
Live Q&A with Phillip Dawson on tackling e-cheating & assessment security

Episode 36

Among Australia’s leading authorities on e-cheating and assessment security, Professor Phillip Dawson from Deakin University answered our audience’s burning questions on the topic, supported by insights from his latest book ‘Defending Assessment Security in a Digital World’.

Based on the four-part series of our Integrity Matters vidcast Tackling e-cheating & assessment security with Phillip Dawson, we bring you the on-demand recording of the live Q&A held on 21 September, in partnership with The Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE).

Among Australia’s leading authorities on e-cheating and assessment security, Professor Phillip Dawson from Deakin University answered our audience’s burning questions on the topic, supported by insights from his latest book ‘Defending Assessment Security in a Digital World’.

The popularity of the session and sheer volume of questions posed to Phill, highlights uncertainty amongst higher education professionals on how to best safeguard the integrity and security of assessments in a digital setting. Check out the recording to see if your own questions have been addressed by Phill, and to help inform your assessment strategy.