
Lifting educational aspirations and capacity in rural and remote communities

Episode #11

We chat to Helen Huntly, Provost at Central Queensland University, about lifting educational aspirations & capacity in regional, rural and remote communities

Helen Huntly | Provost, Central Queensland University

In this video, Helen Huntly shares how her journey as an educator in regional Queensland has informed her perspective on the importance of engaged teaching and leadership in lifting educational aspirations and capacity.

From her years in frontline teaching to previous roles as Dean of Education, Vice Chancellor, and now Provost of CQU, Helen discusses the strategies for bridging the gap between ‘the city and the bush’. She speaks about the strongest capacity builders at CQU in the form of their enabling courses, and how they are combating the typically lower engagement levels and obstacles to learning and access in rural and remote communities.

Helen also covers her approach to cultivating academic integrity in students and how it takes a village to instill good academic integrity habits. She explores the importance of educators leading by example, and going beyond formal declarations and checklists to convey the importance of integrity in a meaningful, formative way.

Finally, touching on the intersection of academic integrity practices in CQU’s Strategic Plan, Helen speaks about mitigating academic misconduct through the measures of prevention, assessment design and follow up. She highlights the importance of equipping staff with the skills and tools to undertake this, making the link between integrity and strong leadership and providing a message to leaders to support the success of their academic integrity programs.

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