
Upholding and modelling research integrity in higher education

Episode #26

In this video, Richard Oloruntoba discusses his role as Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management at Curtin University, focusing on upholding research integrity in the postgraduate/PhD student context.

Richard Oloruntoba | Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management & Supply Chain Lead, Curtin Business School, Curtin University

In this video, Richard Oloruntoba discusses his role as Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management at Curtin University, focusing on upholding research integrity in the postgraduate/PhD student context.

Richard advocates for making research integrity more visible, and less hidden, contending that research integrity must be explicitly taught and learnt, through demonstration of best (and bad) practices, towards saturation throughout an institution.

Sharing his experience in managing the risks and breaches associated with research integrity, Richard reflects on the importance of edtech tools in reinforcing research integrity and detecting breaches, as illustrated in the submission of unoriginal research proposals.